Okay I just joined the forum and setting up Syncloud for the first time. I am using a NUC 10i3FNH device and I have downloaded and flashed the syncloud-amd64-uefi-24.05.img using Etcher. I am using the 2.5 Inch Sata type hard drive slot rather than the Nvme slot for now. The device is compatable with UEFI (it is the same as the device in the Syncloud store).
When I connect the device to a monitor it says no bootable device but I know this is all based through a browser.
I have now connected to my Network using an Ethernet cable directly to the router. There is no iOS app for Syncloud but I did manage to use on Android instead. I have setup an account and installed the app. When I try and discover devices through the app it says No devices found.
I have disabled Secure Boot in the Bios setup type section and it does seem to work using the monitor. However I still can not connect the device on my network to the app? Does anyone have any ideas what I need to do?
I have reinstalled the App on Android through Play store instead of Aurora store and I can now find the device on my Network. I go to the Activate enter my log in and choose a name but nothing happens when I click Next?
It would be good to have an iOS version I could use to test if it is my phone that is the issue or not.
Following the instructions it seems I need to use an app to activate. There are no apps in the UK for iOS and it seems like the Android app is not working correctly on my other phone. Is there instructions to use a browser instead (this would make more sense)?
For now I have deleted Syncloud and trying other options. Maybe I can try again. I did not see any option showing me the IP address to activate in my browser. The instructions specifically say I need to use an app on my phone (which is unusual for this type of software) but the apps are not available or working.
I will need to reinstall to send a screenshot but really it was just a the white login screen on Android with no way to click next or see any details of what is happening.