I just updated to the current version of syncloud. Now, when i try to log in I get this error message: “not admin (must be part of syncloud group)”. That is the same user I have always been using without any problems. Also, I don’t have any other admins. Has that happened to anyone else? What do i do now?
In fact, if i sign in with one normal user, it is no admin, and cant add new app:
I tried to use “users app” inorder to make the normal users to be admin.
It is suposed that you must take that users into “syncloud” group:
indeed I was able to log into the users app. I had forgotten that was an option. My main user is part of the syncloud group. I was able to add both remaining users to that group, but only one of those is now able to log into the syncloud GUI. The other one won’t log in with the same error message. I tried to play around with different options there, but that didn’t make any difference. At least I can do some administration there, but I would still like to use my main user for that and understand what’s going on.
I am only referring to syncloud apps. I just added a user called admin and added that to the syncloud group. That seems to work fine. With the original user that still does not work. I tried to remove that user from the syncloud group, but that option is greyed out, I assume because to prevent the system from being without admins. I would like to send my logs, but didn’t find the right mail address to send them to. Can you help me?
Sorry I just realized that sending logs was broken, fixed and pushed the system update, could you update (Settings - Updates: 1857) and try again please?
Sorry there is another bug sending the logs (I will push the fix today).
I assume your are receiving logs yourself, can you forward your log email to support please?