Can't acces with one user

I had 4 users, and can acces with 3, but not with “juansa”.
root@syncloud:~# snap run nextcloud.psql -c “select * from oc_ldap_group_members”
could not change directory to “/root”: Permission denied
owncloudname | owncloudusers
admin | a:1:{i:0;s:5:“altur”;}
juansa | a:1:{i:0;s:6:“juansa”;}
avega | a:1:{i:0;s:5:“avega”;}
(3 rows)

root@syncloud:~# snap run nextcloud.occ group:list

  • admin:
    • avega
    • juansa
    • altur
    • juansa2
  • juansa:
    • juansa
  • avega:
    • avega
  • juansa2:
    • juansa2

The problem is that, from some days ago, I can acces (via web) to all users, except my user “juansa”.
When I try to get, I get an error page on Chrome:
This page is not working
The page cannot process this request now.

I made a new user “juansa2” for trying, and it works…
But I need to use my old “juansa” user…

Any idea?
I have sended logs some minutes ago.


"message":"Nesting level too deep - recursive dependency? 
at /snap/nextcloud/660/nextcloud/lib/private/Log/ExceptionSerializer.php#215","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Android) Nextcloud-android/3.23.1",

Did you add this user in Users Syncloud app or in Nextcloud?

As I can remember, I added all Usesr with “Users Syncloud app”.
Later, maybe I eddited in Nextcloud

Is very stange. This saturday, I got the “error page” again, but with other user (avega).
This time, restarting system fixed it, but now it comes back the error with that user.

Send the logs again now.

Now I have followed the following steps:

1 - I got into Settings / Activation, and I have done a “reactivation” with the same (not diferent) domain.
As yoy explained, after device activation, all users are reset and only one is created (admin user).

2 - I created again the users with the “Users Syncloud app”.
Fortunately, Nextcloud and all the apps preserved their settings.

3 - Just in case, I have not made any change of users in Nextcloud.

For the moment, everything seems to work.
Fingers crossed.