Nextcloud manage users: error message

In user:list output: with upper case
In filesystem: also upper case

when i add user in user-app with the same name, but with lower case, it creates this (example):

I create user in nextcloud named Boris, it creates user: “Boris: Boris”
I create user in user-app of syncloud named “boris”, it creates user: “boris_2742”: boris

the above is result of user:list output

I see, are you saying Syncloud Users app does not allow mixed case user names (I can check, but probably there is a reason for that)?

If you only need files for users (not other settings) then you can copy files to lower case user and then create user and sync files, they should appear.

  1. Copy
cp -r /data/nextcloud/files/Boris  /data/nextcloud/files/boris
  1. Fix permissions
chown -R nextcloud.nextcloud /data/nextcloud/files/boris
  1. Create boris in Syncloud Users
  2. Scan
snap run nextcloud.occ files:scan --all

Yes, i dont know why but mixed case usernames are not available - i sent you the error message… How you can check this?

I need more than the files of users. I need every setting including shares, calenders, user specific settings etc.

After checking users app looks like only first letter must be lower case the rest are ok to be mixed case, which does not make sense to me.

Here is how you can disable the restriction if you want to test it now, meanwhile I will release an update to Users with the restriction removed (a day ot two).

sed -i 's#env\[USERNAME_REGEX\]=.*"#env[USERNAME_REGEX]="^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\._-]{1,32}$"#g' /var/snap/users/current/config/php-fpm.conf

Then restart Users:

snap restart users

Web should instantly allow adding users starting with capital letters.

O.K., thx! I hope, this will maybe fix the original problem between nextcloud user- and syncloud user- app.