Login nexcloud Failed

HI support
I meet a problem with connection to nextcloud.

The user list

I have just 2 users who can connect pboizot and root .

Do you have an idea?

NextCloud 24.02
last version system, system HC2 odroid


Can you login into any other app with thise users or it is just Nextcloud?

Sid you follow this instruction to create new users: Users · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub

Sometimes this can happen when you have a mobile client still using an old password/token which constantly attempts to sync files and sends the wrong credentials and Nextcloud thinks your are being hacked.

You can send logs to support (Settings - Support) so I can check.

Hi Boris,

I see than i not have the same form for the users App. so i can not verify if system user and Username are the same.

I test the login with the users App . it’s work fine.
I test also with gogs. and i have the same problem that i have with nextcloud.

I send you the the log.


What version of system and users app do you have?

Sorry you are right I fixed this inconvinience already looks like :slight_smile: I will update the screenshot (it is not even needed anymore)

Hi Boris

Users : 244

System: 1473

Installer: 312

PS : There is no urgency

Can you try logging in to Nextcloud with a bad user from different clients, mobile/different browsers?

Logs are full of strange:
ul 19 10:13:01 syncloud Nextcloud[31421]: {“reqId”:“-”,“level”:2,“time”:“2022-07-19T08:13:01+00:00”,“remoteAddr”:“-”,“user”:“–”,“app”:“no app in context”,“method”:“POST”,“url”:“/login”,“message”:“Login failed: guilsauve (Remote IP: —)”,“userAgent”:“Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0”,“version”:“”}

Also what Nextcloud apps do you have installed?

Hello Boris,

Unfortunately, I quit my house for 15 days .
To day I am traveling.

So I can not use the same browser ( Firefox).

I trying from my phone with Firefox at 10:00
Logging failed for gsauve on Nextcloud and ok for user.

I send you log.

Ok, I think I know what is going on, some time ago Users app moved away from uid to cn as the main login field and most of the apps were updated. But if you had installed Nextcloud long time ago and keep upgrading it will stay on uid filed.

To check this can you run the following command:

snap run nextcloud.occ config:list | grep ldap_login_filter

This should fix it:

snap run nextcloud.occ ldap:set-config s01 ldapLoginFilter "(&(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(cn=%uid))"
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Hello Boris

Your command solve the problem

Thank you