Users app: few general questions about user rights and segregation

Hi all,
I have started using Users app to avoid managing users within every single application (i.e. Nextcloud). It works GREAT. Is there a way to control some of the following actions?

  1. Prevent users (or groups) from adding/removing apps; this is essential for Syncloud security!
  2. Segregate applications: I want a user (or a group) to see/access some apps only (not essential in my case).

I have not found anything about these topics on the wiki. Thanks a lot.


Agree with both but none of them exist at the moment.

Prevent users (or groups) from adding/removing apps; this is essential for Syncloud security!

Could you create an issue for that here pease?

Segregate applications: I want a user (or a group) to see/access some apps only (not essential in my case).

This issue is still open: [Users] App access permissions · Issue #453 · syncloud/platform · GitHub

Here it is: