Since updating the nextcloud app to latest version (797) I am seeing listed in user files list extra appdata_xxxxxx folders. If I select one there is the error that the file doesn’t exist anymore. But the folders are still there.
They show up on the webui and android app, but they do not appear using ssh ls -la /data/nextcloud/user/files.
I attempted to rescan the user files to fix this and received a file locked error.
I will reattempt the scan, then send logs right away.
Can you show the output of the scan command?
I just resent the command to get the output, this time the files:scan result is different. Usually scans take a long time, this scan completed in seconds with chart showing no errors or new files found.
But when looking at files in the app or webui it now shows I only have two folders of the 16 I should have. All the appdata_xxxx ones are gone now.
In ssh I can list, all 16 folders are still actually there but now 2 are displayed in nextcloud.
Do you see the folders in /data/nextcloud/[user]/files dir but not in the app?
Can you list them to see if they are owned by nextcloud user still?
Yes that is correct. I see the files list with command
ls -l /data/nextcloud/user/files
Beside them it says nextcloud, should that say the user instead?
Only two of them show up in the app or in browser.