Upgrade 32 bit to 64 bit

I’ve followed this (only added some users in the users app) and I’ve got quite a long way (I’ve got my contacts and calendars back), but I’ve now run into a problem similar to one I had a couple of years ago, I think when the users app was changed.
Another LDAP problem, I suspect - Syncloud
From what I remember, that time reinstalling Nextcloud fixed it.

This time I added some of the users that are local nextcloud users into the users app. It seems to have created a shadow set of users in nextcloud, rather than linking up to the ones that are there. In the nextcloud users list I see only the (local) members of the abtuse group, and that is the only group listed. I should be a member of that group, but I’m not listed at all, and I’m not recognised as an admin user. The ldap users don’t seem to be listed in nextcloud, and anyone not in a group (eg danny and sarah) isn’t listed.

It looks like something keeps removing and adding me to these groups, but nothing changes. I wasn’t even online 10 and 30 minutes ago.

I’ve tried going through the suggestions in Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki (github.com)

snap run nextcloud.psql -c "select * from oc_ldap_group_mapping"
 owncloud_name |                 ldap_dn                  |            directory_uuid            |                           ldap_dn_hash
 admin         | cn=syncloud,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org | 2da7425f-c5ec-4f68-a086-85e0ce643681 | aac22646179b2b187a05c325be3431b95e39ef12a19def4ad4ea2e3aa0dc5123
 alex          | cn=alex,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org     | 819f3618-d234-103e-9e7e-552073deadc2 | 6a60e17d2543a3a6e93676b7898e964b9695c2f7a6e1dde854794d186f608205
 abtuse_2      | cn=abtuse,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org   | bced903e-d234-103e-9e80-552073deadc2 | e4917328e79527f8c2293ca8375ce19092433f5fadaea3014074c71f2cda19b5
 brian         | cn=brian,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | dcb10978-d234-103e-9e81-552073deadc2 | aa08486944bd66c3424c26c1a30b2504d82ee7afb0648693e22ce17084417f73
 bruce         | cn=bruce,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | ed689b46-d234-103e-9e83-552073deadc2 | 066e572295c0778d864b7145a33e1c051f114b2572cb3a5e2fb135b129e7f772
 danny         | cn=danny,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | 022d4f36-d235-103e-9e85-552073deadc2 | e860edba60ea8b63a39ceb04fb0d31ddcfa81fb22b438f309f73924241e5ba4e
 henry         | cn=henry,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | 190a66f8-d235-103e-9e87-552073deadc2 | 4c863f623b5b2a3931016028fc65b2a5e410e35f93301b2876920cd6f2c30e00
 sarah         | cn=sarah,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | 35fe65e8-d235-103e-9e89-552073deadc2 | 9ea3d167779a9513536a15f55ac308bb78299b4b6db1d4936ca6b33f4457d1a8
 scott         | cn=scott,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | 5897b794-d235-103e-9e8b-552073deadc2 | 3f65d32297c5a526e2f5ce08abff084d072d09d70359b3326dda702989ef4d6d
 admin_2       | cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=syncloud,dc=org    | d2eb8562-d25c-103e-87a6-e1e8812d67c6 | 30c386ffbe167bc48373c82e5d339e761940d44e0353105d2b4b02cfe0cb62f2

When I added some users to the users app it created a group for each of them. I also tried creating abtuse and admin groups in there and then deleted them.

I don’t know if this is out of date, or is showing a serious problem

snap run nextcloud.psql -c “select * from oc_ldap_group_members”
ERROR: relation “oc_ldap_group_members” does not exist
LINE 1: select * from oc_ldap_group_members

I haven’t tried make all admins.

According to this I am in the admin group:

snap run nextcloud.occ group:list
  - abtuse:
    - alex
    - andrei
    - brian
    - bruce
    - cameron
    - graham
    - henry
    - hyo
    - joshua
    - kuba
    - nathalia
    - rebecca
    - ruben
    - scott
  - admin:
    - trevor
  - alex:
    - alex_5164
  - abtuse_2:
    - alex_5164
    - brian_7662
    - bruce_7655
    - henry_8858
    - scott_3487
    - trevor
  - brian:
    - brian_7662
  - bruce:
    - bruce_7655
  - danny:
    - Danny_Moules
  - henry:
    - henry_8858
  - sarah:
    - sarah_5299
  - scott:
    - scott_3487

The users with numbers are the ones added by the users app.