cannot be installed on my Syncloud :wink::wink::wink:. I think that the great job you made on it (see above) has never been published in the “official branch”, let me say. I have just tried to install it and the error is still the same.
According to you the matter was that the current Syncloud image is @32 bits (do you remember that you needed to change the version of the system because it was exceeding the max allowed integer value and os update failed?), and due to that MongoDb …etc etc :wink:
At that time I needed to reflash the image with the experimental one (see above). Was great but with very few apps.
So, my question is: what is the current image that is published for hc4? Is it worth refreshing? :wink::wink:
Ciao and thanks for your time

I guess you are talking about the same device as on the other thread, but for the record on this thread can you run these:

lsb_release -a
snap list

Then this

snap install rocketchat

Latest image:

reread the thread from the beginning (it is an old thread), yes hc4 was arm32 in the beginning, but later you had a custom image and a custom rocketchat, please use latest official image and rocketchat should just work.

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