Hi Everbody, hi Boris,
had a nextcloud (with files, calendar and contacts) running on syncloud. Needed to upgrade it, due to some issues. While upgrading System and installer worked, upgrading the nextcloud app keeps failing. The installation is basically stuck on version v21.
Old/current system It is an armfh on RPi4, activated external hard drive.
Installing a fresh armfh or arm64 image and restoring the nextcloud backup from external drive also failed.
Any ideas for still upgrading?
Ok one option is to try to migrate from v21 to v22 on armhf first.
Make sure you make a backup before each step.
Can you run v22 upgrade commands from this instruction: Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub
wget apps.syncloud.org/apps/nextcloud_211101376_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap
snap install nextcloud_211101376_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap --devmode
Let me know if it is erroring or not.
Guess, did exactly this a long time ago. Can do again, but before: since than the System seems to be unchanged (1965), but the installer has an upgrade available (361 → 595). So wget/snap install after installer upgrade or before?
Upgrade installer before.
root@syncloud:~# snap install nextcloud_211101376_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap --devmode
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Start snap “nextcloud” (unset) services (systemctl command [start snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service failed. See ‘systemctl status snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service’ and ‘journalctl -xn’ for details.
root@syncloud:~# systemctl status snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
● snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service - Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-09-18 20:26:53 UTC; 1min 31s ago
Main PID: 2661 (postgres)
CGroup: /system.slice/snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
├─2661 /snap/nextcloud/210624280/postgresql/bin/postgres -D /var/snap/nextcloud/current/database
├─2663 postgres: checkpointer process
├─2664 postgres: writer process
├─2665 postgres: wal writer process
├─2666 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
├─2667 postgres: stats collector process
└─2668 postgres: bgworker: logical replication launcher
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[2661]: [1-1] 2023-09-18 20:26:53.664 GMT [2661] LOG: listening on Unix…5436"
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[2634]: 2023-09-18 20:26:53.664 GMT [2661] LOG: listening on Unix sock…436"
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[2661]: [2-1] 2023-09-18 20:26:53.721 GMT [2661] LOG: ending log output…tderr
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[2661]: [2-2] 2023-09-18 20:26:53.721 GMT [2661] HINT: Future log outpu…log".
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[2634]: 2023-09-18 20:26:53.721 GMT [2661] LOG: ending log output to stderr
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[2634]: 2023-09-18 20:26:53.721 GMT [2661] HINT: Future log output wil…og".
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[2662]: [3-1] 2023-09-18 20:26:53.739 GMT [2662] LOG: database system w…6 GMT
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[2661]: [3-1] 2023-09-18 20:26:53.761 GMT [2661] LOG: database system i…tions
Sep 18 20:26:53 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
root@syncloud:~# journalctl -xn
– Logs begin at Thu 1970-01-01 00:00:01 UTC, end at Mon 2023-09-18 20:26:57 UTC. –
Sep 18 20:26:55 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[2729]: nginx: the configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf syntax is ok
Sep 18 20:26:55 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[2729]: nginx: configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf test is successful
Sep 18 20:26:55 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[2730]: waiting for /var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket
Sep 18 20:26:55 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[2729]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() “/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log” failed (30: Read-only file system)
Sep 18 20:26:56 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx.
– Subject: Unit snap.nextcloud.nginx.service has finished start-up
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: systemd-devel Info Page
– Unit snap.nextcloud.nginx.service has finished starting up.
– The start-up result is done.
Sep 18 20:26:56 syncloud systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for nextcloud, revision x3.
– Subject: Unit snap-nextcloud-x3.mount has finished shutting down
– Defined-By: systemd
– Support: systemd-devel Info Page
– Unit snap-nextcloud-x3.mount has finished shutting down.
Sep 18 20:26:56 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 18 20:26:56 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 18 20:26:56 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 18 20:26:57 syncloud snapd[2052]: handlers.go:677: Reported install problem for “nextcloud” as Crash report successfully submitted.
Can you send logs from settings?
Had to run argument again, because the log was rotated to far forward…
Fresh logs from settings (URL anonymized). http replaced by nottp, because of a “new users limited to 2 link” limitation:
Sep 19 04:55:28 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cli/executor.go:23 execute {“cmd”: “/bin/journalctl -n 1000 --no-pager”}
Sep 19 04:55:28 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /rest/logs
Sep 19 04:55:28 syncloud nginx[483]: syncloud nginx: - - [19/Sep/2023:04:55:28 +0000] “GET /rest/user HTTP/2.0” 200 28 “nottps://” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0”
Sep 19 04:55:28 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /rest/user
Sep 19 04:55:28 syncloud nginx[483]: syncloud nginx: - - [19/Sep/2023:04:55:28 +0000] “GET /logs HTTP/2.0” 304 0 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0”
Sep 19 04:55:17 syncloud snapd[2052]: handlers.go:677: Reported install problem for “nextcloud” as Crash report successfully submitted.
Sep 19 04:55:16 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:16 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:16 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:16 syncloud systemd[1]: Unmounted Mount unit for nextcloud, revision x1.
Sep 19 04:55:15 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx.
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() “/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log” failed (30: Read-only file system)
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf test is successful
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: the configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf syntax is ok
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8612]: waiting for /var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() “/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log” failed (30: Read-only file system)
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx…
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm.
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] ready to handle connections
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] fpm is running, pid 8581
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8550]: [NOTICE] [pool www] ‘group’ directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8550]: [NOTICE] [pool www] ‘user’ directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] [pool www] ‘group’ directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] [pool www] ‘user’ directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm…
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [3-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.665 GMT [8541] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8542]: [3-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.646 GMT [8542] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-09-19 04:54:21 GMT
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] HINT: Future log output will go to log destination “syslog”.
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] LOG: ending log output to stderr
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [2-2] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] HINT: Future log output will go to log destination “syslog”.
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [2-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] LOG: ending log output to stderr
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.569 GMT [8541] LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/snap/nextcloud/current/database/.s.PGSQL.5436”
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [1-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.569 GMT [8541] LOG: listening on Unix socket “/var/snap/nextcloud/current/database/.s.PGSQL.5436”
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql…
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:12 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.nginx.service
Sep 19 04:55:11 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.php-fpm.service
Sep 19 04:55:10 syncloud snapd[2052]: taskrunner.go:299: [change 1553 “Start snap "nextcloud" (unset) services” task] failed: systemctl command [start snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service failed. See ‘systemctl status snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service’ and ‘journalctl -xn’ for details.
Sep 19 04:55:10 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:10 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:10 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql…
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Unit snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service entered failed state.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Failed to start Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8428]: Check your installation.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8428]: same directory as “/snap/nextcloud/x1/postgresql/bin/pg_ctl.bin”.
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8428]: The program “postgres” is needed by pg_ctl.bin but was not found in the
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8428]: no data was returned by command “”/snap/nextcloud/x1/postgresql/bin/postgres" -V"
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8428]: /snap/nextcloud/x1/postgresql/bin/postgres: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28’ not found (required by /snap/nextcloud/x1/postgresql/bin/postgres)
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql…
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:55:09 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:55:08 syncloud platform.api[329]: info storage/storage.go:71 fixing permissions {“dir”: “/data/nextcloud”}
Sep 19 04:55:08 syncloud platform.api[329]: info rest/middleware.go:71 POST: /app/init_storage
Sep 19 04:55:08 syncloud platform.api[329]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /app/data_path?name=nextcloud
Sep 19 04:55:08 syncloud platform.api[329]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /app/install_path?name=nextcloud
Sep 19 04:54:54 syncloud systemd[1]: Started snap.nextcloud.hook.post-refresh.1c9bcf53-bec6-4b1f-9d68-2a659dbf02fe.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:54 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting snap.nextcloud.hook.post-refresh.1c9bcf53-bec6-4b1f-9d68-2a659dbf02fe.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:53 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:53 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:53 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:53 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.nginx.service
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud snapd[2052]: services.go:1111: RemoveSnapServices - disabling snap.nextcloud.php-fpm.service
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx.
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8312]: 2023/09/19 04:54:22 [notice] 8335#0: signal process started
Sep 19 04:54:22 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8312]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() “/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log” failed (30: Read-only file system)
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx…
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm.
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[5427]: [NOTICE] exiting, bye-bye!
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[5427]: [NOTICE] Terminating …
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm…
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[5388]: [6-1] 2023-09-19 04:54:21.769 GMT [5388] LOG: database system is shut down
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[5390]: [3-1] 2023-09-19 04:54:21.713 GMT [5390] LOG: shutting down
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[5388]: [5-1] 2023-09-19 04:54:21.713 GMT [5388] LOG: worker process: logical replication launcher (PID 5395) exited with exit code 1
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[5388]: [4-1] 2023-09-19 04:54:21.701 GMT [5388] LOG: received smart shutdown request
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql…
Sep 19 04:54:21 syncloud sudo[8279]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user nextcloud
Sep 19 04:54:17 syncloud sudo[8279]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user nextcloud by (uid=0)
Sep 19 04:54:17 syncloud sudo[8279]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=nextcloud ; ENV=LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/snap/nextcloud/210624280/postgresql/lib ; COMMAND=/snap/nextcloud/210624280/postgresql/bin/pg_dumpall -p 5436 -h /var/snap/nextcloud/current/database -f /var/snap/nextcloud/current/database.dump
Sep 19 04:54:17 syncloud systemd[1]: Started snap.nextcloud.pgdumpall.cc8b1774-c93b-4514-81cf-2de8b6c18224.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:17 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting snap.nextcloud.pgdumpall.cc8b1774-c93b-4514-81cf-2de8b6c18224.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:17 syncloud platform.api[329]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /app/data_path?name=nextcloud
Sep 19 04:54:16 syncloud platform.api[329]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /app/install_path?name=nextcloud
Sep 19 04:54:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Started snap.nextcloud.hook.pre-refresh.7f12c927-bd58-410e-8342-b338dcb812e0.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting snap.nextcloud.hook.pre-refresh.7f12c927-bd58-410e-8342-b338dcb812e0.scope.
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: Mounted Mount unit for nextcloud, revision x1.
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: Mounting Mount unit for nextcloud, revision x1…
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-x1.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-nextcloud-210624280.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/snap-platform-1965.mount:12] Unknown lvalue ‘LazyUnmount’ in section ‘Mount’
Sep 19 04:54:12 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
Sep 19 04:54:10 syncloud nginx[483]: syncloud nginx: - - [19/Sep/2023:04:54:10 +0000] “GET /rest/logs HTTP/2.0” 200 123888 “nottps://” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0”
Sep 19 04:54:10 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cli/executor.go:23 execute {“cmd”: “/bin/journalctl -n 1000 --no-pager”}
Sep 19 04:54:10 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /rest/logs
Sep 19 04:54:09 syncloud nginx[483]: syncloud nginx: - - [19/Sep/2023:04:54:09 +0000] “GET /rest/user HTTP/2.0” 200 28 “nottps://” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0”
Sep 19 04:54:09 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info rest/middleware.go:71 GET: /rest/user
Sep 19 04:54:09 syncloud nginx[483]: syncloud nginx: - - [19/Sep/2023:04:54:09 +0000] “GET /logs HTTP/2.0” 200 912 “-” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0”
Sep 19 04:51:59 syncloud sshd[8048]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Sep 19 04:51:59 syncloud sshd[8048]: Accepted password for root from port 45966 ssh2
Sep 19 04:51:18 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
Sep 19 04:51:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: 2023/09/19 04:51:17 [DEBUG] POST nottp://api.syncloud.it/domain/update
Sep 19 04:51:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cert/generator.go:115 not regenerating real certificate {“category”: “certificate”}
Sep 19 04:51:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cert/generator.go:108 certificate info {“category”: “certificate”, “subject”: “anonymouscloud.syncloud.it”, “valid days”: 43, “real”: true}
Sep 19 04:46:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
Sep 19 04:46:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: 2023/09/19 04:46:17 [DEBUG] POST nottp://api.syncloud.it/domain/update
Sep 19 04:46:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cert/generator.go:115 not regenerating real certificate {“category”: “certificate”}
Sep 19 04:46:17 syncloud platform.backend[333]: info cert/generator.go:108 certificate info {“category”: “certificate”, “subject”: “anonymouscloud.syncloud.it”, “valid days”: 43, “real”: true}
Sep 19 04:45:09 syncloud CRON[7961]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user nextcloud
Can you run these:
cat /etc/debian_version
systemctl status snap.nextcloud.*
root@syncloud:~# cat /etc/debian_version
root@syncloud:~# systemctl status snap.nextcloud.*
● snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service - Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-19 04:55:13 UTC; 16h ago
Main PID: 8541 (postgres)
CGroup: /system.slice/snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
├─8541 /snap/nextcloud/210624280/postgresql/bin/postgres -D /var/snap/nextcloud/current/database
├─8543 postgres: checkpointer process
├─8544 postgres: writer process
├─8545 postgres: wal writer process
├─8546 postgres: autovacuum launcher process
├─8547 postgres: stats collector process
└─8548 postgres: bgworker: logical replication launcher
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [1-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.569 GMT [8541] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/snap/nextcloud/current/database/.s.PGSQL.5436"
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.569 GMT [8541] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/snap/nextcloud/current/database/.s.PGSQL.5436"
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [2-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] LOG: ending log output to stderr
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [2-2] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] HINT: Future log output will go to log destination "syslog".
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] LOG: ending log output to stderr
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgresql[8513]: 2023-09-19 04:55:13.621 GMT [8541] HINT: Future log output will go to log destination "syslog".
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8542]: [3-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.646 GMT [8542] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-09-19 04:54:21 GMT
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud nextcloud.postgres[8541]: [3-1] 2023-09-19 04:55:13.665 GMT [8541] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
Sep 19 04:55:13 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
● snap.nextcloud.php-fpm.service - Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.nextcloud.php-fpm.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-19 04:55:14 UTC; 16h ago
Main PID: 8581 (ld-2.28.so)
CGroup: /system.slice/snap.nextcloud.php-fpm.service
├─8581 /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.28.so --library-path /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf:/snap/nextcloud/210624280/ph...
├─8582 /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.28.so --library-path /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf:/snap/nextcloud/210624280/ph...
└─8583 /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.28.so --library-path /snap/nextcloud/210624280/php/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf:/snap/nextcloud/210624280/ph...
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] [pool www] 'user' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] [pool www] 'group' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8550]: [NOTICE] [pool www] 'user' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8550]: [NOTICE] [pool www] 'group' directive is ignored when FPM is not running as root
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] fpm is running, pid 8581
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.php-fpm[8581]: [NOTICE] ready to handle connections
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.php-fpm.
● snap.nextcloud.nginx.service - Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.nextcloud.nginx.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-19 04:55:15 UTC; 16h ago
Main PID: 8611 (nginx)
CGroup: /system.slice/snap.nextcloud.nginx.service
├─8611 nginx: master process /snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf -p /snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx -g error_lo...
├─8659 nginx: worker process
├─8660 nginx: worker process
├─8661 nginx: worker process
└─8662 nginx: worker process
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log" failed (30: Read-on...ile system)
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8612]: waiting for /var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: the configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf syntax is ok
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: configuration file /var/snap/nextcloud/210624280/config/nginx.conf test is successful
Sep 19 04:55:14 syncloud nextcloud.nginx[8611]: nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/snap/nextcloud/210624280/nginx/logs/error.log" failed (30: Read-on...ile system)
Sep 19 04:55:15 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application nextcloud.nginx.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
Ok, current v21 is still wunning fine but upgrade fails on the old (debian 8) image.
Can you try this:
- Flash latest arm 32b rpi image: https://github.com/syncloud/image/releases/download/23.09/syncloud-raspberrypi-23.09.img.xz
- Install manually v21
- Restore your backup
- Upgrade manually to v22
Ok, current v21 is still wunning fine but upgrade fails on the old (debian 8) image.
It did, till the last activation/reactivation issue. Since then, it seems to run, but neither the webinterface nor the service nextcloud was available.
I tried your suggestion up to step 3. Restore you backup. The webinterface now gives the error " 502 Bad Gateway". I try to send most of the diagnostics information you requested above. Question: is it of any use to go to step 4., before fixing the current issue?
Another hint: manually installation of nextcloud snap seems to be a tiny bit incomplete. In the syncloud GUI always the icon for the app under “Apps” is missing. It is available under “App Center” though.
Wanted to send the “logs from settings”. No real success, as this interface is unhappy about the size. Any idea, what could be done? How to select the right selection of lines? Tried to send logs via “support”. Perhaps that helps somehow?
Some other infos:
root@syncloud:~# cat /etc/debian_version
Oh, nothing is running???:
root@syncloud:~# systemctl status snap.nextcloud.*
Specifically for postgresql:
root@syncloud:~# systemctl status snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service
● snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service - Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service; enabled; vendor preset: ena
Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2023-09-23 10:00:05 UTC; 23min ago
Process: 2796 ExecStart=/usr/bin/snap run nextcloud.postgresql (code=killed, signal=TERM)
Sep 23 10:00:05 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql...
Sep 23 10:00:05 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service: Control process exited, code=
Sep 23 10:00:05 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.nextcloud.postgresql.service: Succeeded.
Sep 23 10:00:05 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application nextcloud.postgresql.
root@syncloud:~# journalctl -xn
-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 10:11:58 UTC, end at Sat 2023-09-23 10:15:02 UTC. --
Sep 23 10:13:55 syncloud nginx[1247]: syncloud nginx: - woosha [23/Sep/2023:10:13:55 +00
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud sh[284]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud sh[284]: XMT: X-- IA_PD 32:45:af:9a
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud sh[284]: XMT: | X-- Request renew in +3600
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud sh[284]: XMT: | X-- Request rebind in +5400
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud sh[284]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111850ms.
Sep 23 10:14:18 syncloud dhclient[457]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111850ms.
Sep 23 10:15:01 syncloud CRON[2897]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user nextcloud by (ui
Sep 23 10:15:01 syncloud CRON[2898]: (nextcloud) CMD (/usr/bin/snap run nextcloud.cron)
Sep 23 10:15:02 syncloud CRON[2897]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user nextcloud
How did you do this step?
Install manually v21
Manually mean using the v21 manual step from the doc:
wget apps.syncloud.org/apps/nextcloud_210624280_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap
snap install nextcloud_210624280_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap --devmode
Also did you activate your device after flashing?
More precise instruction is this:
- Flash latest arm 32b rpi image
- Activate device.
- Install manually v21
- Restore your backup
- Upgrade manually to v22
To the best of my knowledge, I did exactly these steps and look into the shell history for me confirms it. I had to add in a few steps, i.e. extending the memory, activating the external disk (including a chown from User 999 to User 998 on the data, as the nextcloud UserID seems to have changed) and fine tuning the IP settings (IPv4 vs. IPv6) to the normal settings needed on my device. Besides this: exactly this:
- Flash syncloud-raspberrypi-23.09.img
- Activate successfully (syncloud interface reachable with correct certificate)
→ Did the extra steps mentioned above - Install manually v21 with wget and snap install exactly as shown
- Restore backup (from the GUI. Success message was there)
Stopped to go forward, because of error 502 and so on as described above.
What do you think???
Did you check if nextcloud is working after manual install (before backup restore)?
Not 100% sure. How could I “roll back” to that state, without starting again from the beginning?
Would removing the app (from GUI) leave the backup untouched and I could start again with the snap install and test the app before restoring? Or would a “snap remove” do remove also the configs (like apt-get purge) and leave the real backup untouched?
You can remove app from the ui and then install using command line yes. But if it still produces 502 then we need to test the fresh image and just install from command line without any other action (no disk activation, no permission fixes)