Calibre e book management

Has anyone thought of caliber yet?

i have a lot of ebooks and it would be nice to have this app on syncloud


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I use calibre but it is a desktop app which you download and use, as I know there is no service behind it store books on your device for example.

How do you see Syncloud in this picture?

OMG, this is so cool!
Is it possible to have multiple accounts and read the same book so it can remember on which page each reader is?
Regardless could you create an issue at Issues · syncloud/platform · GitHub

Yes you can create accounts with different permissions, read with the calibre reader or you can use a reader with opds function…
I installed on my linux it works online with NoIP service, but it would be nice to have it like plex in syncloud.
I’m not so an expert with github…do you think I can create an issues without cooperation? I’m not a programmer.

Sure you can, that is a first step to indicate the interest and to know who can actually test when it is ready.

I keep my calibre library on my nextcloud server. The nextcloud app throws occasional sync problems, but it always seems to sort itself out within a few seconds. Obviously, I don’t run calibre on the same library on more than one machine at a time. I did it originally so that I could plug my ereader (a kobo) into my machine at work (which has the nextcloud client) to sync it, as well as the machine at home.

Thank you for your tip.
I tried months ago with nextcloud app opds catalog…many problems on syncloud and now not for the last versions of nextcloud. it will be nicer to have it as app on on the syncloud server.
For now it works well on my linux…