Raspberry Pi 4/5 + RAM

The 64 bit Raspberry Pi image according to the link on Home · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub seems to be compatible with RPi 3/4 B/B+, 4G/8G. So it does not (yet) work with RPi 5, correct?

Is a RPi 5 support possible/expected anytime soon?

Second question: How big is the influence of RAM size (4G vs. 8G) on the performance of the RPi with Syncloud?

So it does not (yet) work with RPi 5, correct?

You can try and see if it works while I can try to publish a new imags.

How big is the influence of RAM size (4G vs. 8G)

It usually depends on how many apps you want to run on a single device. You need to consult with recommend RAM per app. Usually apps have that info on their websites. Of course the more the better.

there is a new image with latest rpi v5 support:
Can you try that and let me know

I had no RPi 5 yet, but ordered one following your encouraging message.
Thanks for the updated image. I give it a go, when my RPi 5 is ready (and time permits :man_facepalming:) and let you know.

Is there a way to activate two/multiple devices in the same network and with the same account? Can a none default port be set?

Yes, you can activate more than one device. They will all have port 443 (https) open, then you can map different ports on your router for single external IP v4 address. With IP v6 there is no need to map ports.

Installing/Booting of the image worked just fine. Also the activation worked as expected.
Anything else I should test?

Just try using it.
Attach an external disk, activate it from Settings - Storage.
Install apps and set a backup schedule.

I have two issues with testing the second active device:

  1. syncloud.it shows both activations with correct values, but DNS-queries get wired answers. E.g. one clients gets the internal IP for the second device instead of the external IP. Any ideas?
  2. I would like to reach the device directly via (internal) IP. How to specify the app in the browser-URL with IP instead of FQDN???

syncloud.it shows both activations with correct values, but DNS-queries get wired answers. E.g. one clients gets the internal IP for the second device instead of the external IP. Any ideas?

Did you activate them with different domain names?
Did you enable external access?

would like to reach the device directly via (internal) IP. How to specify the app in the browser-URL with IP instead of FQDN???

There is no way to access individual apps by IP, only the main device app.

You need DNS that is why we publish DNS with internal IP for local only devices. You can always override locally dns for teating purposes (hosts file).

Activated with a different domain name, but forgot to enable external access. fixed that and it is now reachable. Yes, I also thought the host-file could be the next step to go, but wanted to know, whether there is a different way. Fixed now anyway.

The nextcloud app can now be reached, but can not be used. The Web-GUI shows the error message
" Error

  • Your data directory is readable by other users.Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users."

Tried to do chmod 0770 /opt/disk/external/nextcloud/ and got a new error:

" Internal Server Error

The server was unable to complete your request.

So the mode-bits of this path could theoretically be related. The following link (just picked the first) is about a missing php-package related to the first error message.


Does anything sound familiar???

What kid of external disk do you have?
Somethig is weong with it looks like, try reactivating it.
If it does not help try reinstalling nextcloud.
If it does not help send me logs from Settings - Support.

  • Trouble with external disks probably boils down to:
    • Contains copy from the data of production setup. In production (still arm 32b) nextcloud is unfortunately still on version 26.
    • Procedure was: Activating external disk (switch set to “partitions”), installed nextcloud app and restored the backup.
    • After that, data on disk belongs to wrong user-ID. Changed it to nextcloud user with something like chown -R nextcloud:nextcloud /opt/disk/external/nextcloud/.
  • After that NC webinterface complains about the “trusted_domain” setting in config.php. This is probably due to the activation with different domain. Added in the new domain under /var/snap/nextcloud/775/nextcloud/config/config.php.
  • With this NC webinterface works and wants to initiate an upgrade on 28.0.2. The upgrade fails.
  • Started over with nextcloud:
    • Manually installing nextcloud 706 from CLI like documented on Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub
    • Restore backup from Settings - Backup
    • NC Webinterface now works.
    • Now upgrade of Nextcloud App from Syncloud Webinterface fails.

Up to now:

  • Had a few glitches in the webinterface, which on trying again went away. Do not assume they are RPi5 triggered.
  • The activation under different domain brings extra complexity.
  • Migration and Upgrade with change from 32 to 64 bit brings extra complexity.

Assuming, the RPi5 image works, how to upgrade nextcloud app from this state?

If you are on v26 you need to upgrade to 27 first.
Run these commands

wget apps.syncloud.org/apps/nextcloud_747_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap

snap install nextcloud_747_$(dpkg --print-architecture).snap --devmode

Manual upgrade to v27 (747) works fine.
Tried the upgrade to current version (775) from the GUI. This fails with
cannot perform operation on local snap”
Does that mean the (automatic) upgrade from the system / from the GUI is (permanently) broken? Or can the snap become “non-local” again?

Could you please add the commands for v27 / 747 to Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub? I hope it could help others.

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I did.

Now you need the last step

snap refresh nextcloud --channel=latest/stable --amend

The command worked.
So I restarted from the beginning, this time not with a test URL, but with production URL and it worked again. As far as I can see it, the 64 bit syncloud image works fine for Raspberry Pi 5. Thanks a lot!

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