Since the last update, the mail server no longer works. I have checked all the details and they are correct. Nevertheless, the error message appears: ‘A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log)’
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Reproduce the issue few times and then send the logs from Settings - Support (include check)
I have sent the log - Is this correct?
ok, what mail server are you using in nextcloud mail app? I personally never used nextcloud mail app.
Exception\":\"OCA\\\\Mail\\\\Exception\\\\ServiceException\",\"Message\":\"IMAP error synchronizing account 10: Error connecting to mail server.\",\"Code\":11,\"Trace\":[{\"file\":\"/var/snap/nextcloud/820/extra-apps/mail/lib/BackgroundJob/SyncJob.php
I have noticed that the Nextcloud Mail app is effectively installed. I have not used it yet. When I enter the mail provider password there, the following error message appears: "IMAP server is not reachable ".
However, my problem lies under Administration/Basic settings/Email Server.
When I press send, the following error message appears:“A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log)”
All settings including user name and password are correct.
It looks to me as if Nextcloud’s transmission mechanism is not working.
Mail Server:
Can you send a screenshot of that page (without login password of cause)?
I just tested with Syncloud Mail and it worked fine, Nextcloud was able to send the email but using the dns name (not localhost).
Checked on seems to work for me.
Can you enable more logs using SSH:
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set loglevel --value 0 --type integer
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set mail_smtpdebug --value true --type boolean
Then try again and send logs after that?
You can later reset back to the original:
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set loglevel --value 2 --type integer
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set mail_smtpdebug --value false --type boolean
I have replaced my account data with Yahoo. This produces the same result. The other logs are switched on and I have sent the new log file.
I have just realised that the IMAP servers on two of my websites are not working. After re-entering the password, everything was fine again. Is it possible that the login data is not being overwritten correctly in Nextcloud? Could I check this somewhere?
Sorry no mention of you pushing the mail test button, you need to push it and send again.
I am not sure where Nextcloud saves the mail password, but usually it stays saved.
Is all good now?
I have sent the report
Still cannot see the mail test too many logs now.
Can you do one thing click “send email” few times and then restore the log level with this command:
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set loglevel --value 2 --type integer
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set mail_smtpdebug --value false --type boolean
then send logs again please.
I have sent the logs
still no logs, moving too fast.
Another idea:
enable logs
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set loglevel --value 0 --type integer
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set mail_smtpdebug --value true --type boolean
Try sending few times.
Disable logs:
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set loglevel --value 2 --type integer
snap run nextcloud.occ config:system:set mail_smtpdebug --value false --type boolean
Send me the output of this command:
journalctl -u snap.nextcloud.* | grep -i mail
Hello Boris
I have done it like this. However, the output of this command was
extremely large and I could not save it completely.
Thank you for your patience!
Have a nice Sunday!
(Attachment root@ - Bitvise xterm - 20250201-161735439-P0100.txt is missing)
I saw that you didn’t get the file. How can I send you the data?
Ok, just paste here a few lines and I will give you a modified command to ignore the noise.