Collabora Error message

Hi Boris
I accidentally reinstalled an old Collabora backup file when deleting the backup files.
After that I could no longer access tables.
I deleted the Collabora app on Syncloud and Nextcloud. Then reinstalled both. Unfortunately, I still get the following error message:

What else can I try?

Looks like something is wrong with your DNS server, can you open this url on the same machine you are trying to save this?

Hello Boris

I wanted to update a few apps on the Nextcloud today. The whole cloud hung up in the process. What could be the reason for this? What can I do about it?

Thank you for your help in advance!


Sorry, here is some more information.

Nextcloud reports that it is in maintenance mode.

From the log you sent me there few apps that fail to upgrade: libresign, groupfolders.
Have you installed them?
At this point can you disable them?

Added more info about maintenance mode here: Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub

Let me know if disabling helps using the instruction.

How can I delete them without access to the cloud?

TypeApp for Android herunterladen

You need to use command line using SSH: Nextcloud · syncloud/platform Wiki · GitHub

Do you know how to do that?

I have already used this tool. However, I do not know the commands.

TypeApp for Android herunterladen

Link I posted shows the exact commands to run.

passwords is an example app

snap run nextcloud.occ app:disable passwords
snap run nextcloud.occ maintenance:repair
snap run nextcloud.occ upgrade
snap run nextcloud.occ maintenance:mode --off

Hello Boris

Thank you very much for your help. I was able to solve the problem.

