Can not update syncloud system after reinstall

I wanted to reinstall my syncloud system because it did not update.
After reinstalling it with a brand new sd card and the latest Odroid HC4 image it still does not update. When I click on the update button it is busy for a while but still shows the old system version after that.
I also tried updating using ssh with the command:

snap refresh platform

Which gave me the following error:

error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Start snap "platform" (1914) services ([start snap.platform.nginx-public.service snap.platform.openldap.service snap.platform.backend.service snap.platform.api.service] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap.platform.openldap.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.
See "systemctl status snap.platform.openldap.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

I also executed systemctl status snap.platform.openldap.service and journalctl -xe which says something about lease failed to satisfy and May 16 07:39:24 syncloud nginx[6501]: syncloud nginx: 2023/05/16 07:39:24 [crit] 6501#0: *11 connect() to unix:/var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upst

root@syncloud:~# systemctl status snap.platform.openldap.service
● snap.platform.openldap.service - Service for snap application platform.openldap
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/snap.platform.openldap.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-05-16 07:26:19 UTC; 16min ago
 Main PID: 6512 (
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 3468)
   Memory: 2.6M
   CGroup: /system.slice/snap.platform.openldap.service
           └─6512 /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ --library-path /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/plat

May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud platform.openldap[6435]: + /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ --library-path /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/us
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud slapd[6488]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.57+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 (Jan 30 2021 06:59:51) $
                                              Debian OpenLDAP Maintainers <>
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud slapd[6512]: slapd starting
May 16 07:26:19 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.openldap.
root@syncloud:~# journalctl -xe
May 16 07:34:14 syncloud nginx[6501]: syncloud nginx: - david [16/May/2023:07:34:14 +0000] "GET /status.php HTTP/1.1" 502 157 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/3.8.1stable-Win64 (build 20230419) (Nex
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 129430ms.
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud dhclient[1837]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 129430ms.
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud dhclient[1837]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 16 07:34:45 syncloud sh[1687]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 16 07:36:21 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 16 07:36:21 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 16 07:36:21 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: 2023/05/16 07:36:21 public ipv4:
May 16 07:36:21 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: 2023/05/16 07:36:21 [DEBUG] POST
May 16 07:36:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 125860ms.
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud dhclient[1837]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 125860ms.
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud dhclient[1837]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 16 07:36:55 syncloud sh[1687]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 114330ms.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud dhclient[1837]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 114330ms.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud dhclient[1837]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 16 07:39:01 syncloud sh[1687]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 16 07:39:24 syncloud nginx[6501]: syncloud nginx: 2023/05/16 07:39:24 [crit] 6501#0: *11 connect() to unix:/var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upst
May 16 07:39:24 syncloud platform.nginx-public[6429]: 2023/05/16 07:39:24 [crit] 6501#0: *11 connect() to unix:/var/snap/nextcloud/common/web.socket failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upst
May 16 07:39:24 syncloud nginx[6501]: syncloud nginx: - david [16/May/2023:07:39:24 +0000] "GET /status.php HTTP/1.1" 502 157 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/3.8.1stable-Win64 (build 20230419) (Nex
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111470ms.
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud dhclient[1837]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111470ms.
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud dhclient[1837]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 16 07:40:55 syncloud sh[1687]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 16 07:41:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 16 07:41:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 16 07:41:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: 2023/05/16 07:41:22 public ipv4:
May 16 07:41:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: 2023/05/16 07:41:22 [DEBUG] POST
May 16 07:41:22 syncloud platform.backend[6441]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 16 07:42:22 syncloud sshd[6572]: Accepted password for root from port 61457 ssh2
May 16 07:42:22 syncloud sshd[6572]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 120480ms.
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud dhclient[1837]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 120480ms.
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud dhclient[1837]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 16 07:42:47 syncloud sh[1687]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy

Which instruction did you follow?

Can you run this:

df -h

I followed these instructions:

Although I do not know if I first tried to update or if I first extended the boot disk.

root@syncloud:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            1.5G     0  1.5G   0% /dev
tmpfs           371M   38M  333M  11% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p2   59G  876M   55G   2% /
tmpfs           1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           1.9G     0  1.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/loop0      175M  175M     0 100% /snap/platform/1862

I retried it just to make shure I did nothing wrong:

  • deactivate device on
  • shutdown device
  • cut power on device
  • reflash image on sd card, insert it and power the device
  • reactivate the device via browser
  • extend the internal memory
  • try to upgrade from 1862 to 1914 via browser → fails
  • try to upgrade via ssh → fails with the same error

ok, can you run refresh one more time and then run:

journalctl -n 1000 --no-pager

It will not be at the end as on failure it will start last good version (1862)

OK. This is the output of -n 200 (I can not post more than 32000 characters):

root@syncloud:~# journalctl -n 200 --no-pager
-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 10:11:58 UTC, end at Tue 2023-05-30 21:10:12 UTC. --
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.api.
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application platform.nginx-public...
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application platform.openldap...
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.backend.
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: +++ dirname /snap/platform/1914/openldap/sbin/
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ cd /snap/platform/1914/openldap/sbin
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ cd ..
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ pwd
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: + DIR=/snap/platform/1914/openldap
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:53:50 syncloud platform.openldap[4170]: + /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ --library-path /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/sbin/slapd -h 'ldap:// ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fsnap%2Fplatform%2F1914%2Fopenldap.socket' -F /var/snap/platform/current/slapd.d
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111260ms.
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 111260ms.
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 20:54:03 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 20:54:16 syncloud platform.nginx-public[4164]: nginx: the configuration file /var/snap/platform/current/nginx.conf syntax is ok
May 30 20:54:16 syncloud platform.nginx-public[4164]: nginx: configuration file /var/snap/platform/current/nginx.conf test is successful
May 30 20:54:16 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.nginx-public.
May 30 20:54:20 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
May 30 20:54:20 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Failed to start Service for snap application platform.openldap.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application platform.backend...
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.backend.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.backend.service: Succeeded.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application platform.backend.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Service RestartSec=100ms expired, scheduling restart.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application platform.openldap.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application platform.openldap...
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: +++ dirname /snap/platform/1914/openldap/sbin/
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ cd /snap/platform/1914/openldap/sbin
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ cd ..
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ pwd
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: + DIR=/snap/platform/1914/openldap
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud platform.openldap[4234]: + /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ --library-path /snap/platform/1914/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/lib /snap/platform/1914/openldap/usr/sbin/slapd -h 'ldap:// ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fsnap%2Fplatform%2F1914%2Fopenldap.socket' -F /var/snap/platform/current/slapd.d
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Control process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.openldap.service: Succeeded.
May 30 20:54:21 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application platform.openldap.
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application platform.nginx-public...
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud platform.api[4158]: Started api
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud platform.nginx-public[4260]: 2023/05/30 20:54:22 [notice] 4273#0: signal process started
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.nginx-public.service: Succeeded.
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application platform.nginx-public.
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopping Service for snap application platform.api...
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.api.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=15/TERM
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: snap.platform.api.service: Succeeded.
May 30 20:54:22 syncloud systemd[1]: Stopped Service for snap application platform.api.
May 30 20:54:23 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
May 30 20:54:23 syncloud systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service:9: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/ → /run/; please update the unit file accordingly.
May 30 20:54:23 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service:9: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/ → /run/; please update the unit file accordingly.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application platform.openldap...
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.backend.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.api.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Starting Service for snap application platform.nginx-public...
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: +++ dirname /snap/platform/1862/openldap/sbin/
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ cd /snap/platform/1862/openldap/sbin
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ cd ..
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ pwd
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: + DIR=/snap/platform/1862/openldap
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: ++ echo /snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: + LIBS=/snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.openldap[4314]: + /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ --library-path /snap/platform/1862/openldap/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu:/snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/lib /snap/platform/1862/openldap/usr/sbin/slapd -h 'ldap:// ldapi://%2Fvar%2Fsnap%2Fplatform%2F1862%2Fopenldap.socket' -F /var/snap/platform/current/slapd.d
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info rest/backend.go:169 Started backend
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.api[4326]: Started api
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud slapd[4377]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.57+dfsg-1~bpo10+1 (Jan 30 2021 06:59:51) $
                                              Debian OpenLDAP Maintainers <>
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.nginx-public[4331]: nginx: the configuration file /var/snap/platform/current/nginx.conf syntax is ok
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.nginx-public[4331]: nginx: configuration file /var/snap/platform/current/nginx.conf test is successful
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud slapd[4382]: slapd starting
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.openldap.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud nginx[4385]: syncloud nginx: ::1 - - [30/May/2023:20:54:24 +0000] "" 400 0 "-" "-"
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: Started Service for snap application platform.nginx-public.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud systemd[1]: snap-platform-1914.mount: Succeeded.
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 20:54:24 public ipv4:
May 30 20:54:24 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 20:54:24 [DEBUG] POST
May 30 20:54:25 syncloud systemd[1]: Reloading.
May 30 20:54:25 syncloud systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/system/fancontrol.service:9: PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/ → /run/; please update the unit file accordingly.
May 30 20:54:25 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 30 20:54:25 syncloud snapd[1671]: 2023/05/30 20:54:25.928432 handlers.go:306: Reported install problem for "platform" as Crash report successfully submitted.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 115500ms.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 115500ms.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 20:55:54 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 116870ms.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 116870ms.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 20:57:50 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 20:59:25 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 30 20:59:25 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 30 20:59:25 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 20:59:25 public ipv4:
May 30 20:59:25 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 20:59:25 [DEBUG] POST
May 30 20:59:26 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 113480ms.
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 113480ms.
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 20:59:47 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:00:28 syncloud nginx[4385]: syncloud nginx: - - [30/May/2023:21:00:28 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 912 "-" "-"
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 116420ms.
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 116420ms.
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 21:01:40 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 130660ms.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 130660ms.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 21:03:36 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:04:26 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 30 21:04:26 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 30 21:04:26 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 21:04:26 public ipv4:
May 30 21:04:26 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 21:04:26 [DEBUG] POST
May 30 21:04:27 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 113410ms.
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 113410ms.
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 21:05:47 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 117810ms.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 117810ms.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 21:07:41 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:09:27 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:83 certificate info {"category": "certificate", "valid days": 89, "real": true}
May 30 21:09:27 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cert/generator.go:86 not regenerating real certificate {"category": "certificate"}
May 30 21:09:27 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 21:09:27 public ipv4:
May 30 21:09:27 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: 2023/05/30 21:09:27 [DEBUG] POST
May 30 21:09:28 syncloud platform.backend[4320]: info cron/backup_job.go:68 auto backup is disabled
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Forming Solicit, 655350 ms elapsed.
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  X-- IA_PD 06:49:03:56
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request renew in  +3600
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT:  | X-- Request rebind in +5400
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 123570ms.
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud dhclient[1824]: XMT: Solicit on eth0, interval 123570ms.
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud dhclient[1824]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV: Advertise message on eth0 from fe80::b2f2:8ff:fed9:58b5.
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: RCV:  X-- Server ID: 00:03:00:01:b0:f2:08:d9:58:b5
May 30 21:09:39 syncloud sh[1659]: PRC: Lease failed to satisfy.
May 30 21:10:12 syncloud nginx[4385]: syncloud nginx: - - [30/May/2023:21:10:12 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 400 255 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 zgrab/0.x"

Yes. It just continues with 1862 as if I never started the upgrade.

I guess this was the timeout from the latest version start attempt.

which image url did you use?

can you try few more to see if one of the previous works?

I can try the latest on my hc4 as well, sorry for that, platform upgrade failure is the worst issue that can happen :frowning:

I used this image:

Yes, I can try the previous images.

Thank you for this great project though! Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

strange tried few times, but it works:

root@syncloud:~# snap list
Name      Version  Rev   Tracking  Developer  Notes
platform  1862     1862  stable    syncloud   base
root@syncloud:~# snap refresh platform
Download snap "platform" (1914) from channel "stable"                                                                                            59%     0B/s 2.98y
platform 1914 from 'syncloud' refreshed

while I think I had wrong date but still, can you run this:


OK, interesting.
I just tried the previous images:

  • 23.03 → failed
  • 23.01 → failed
  • 22.09 → failed
  • 22.02 → success!

date returns the correct date with the wrong time for my country (germany):
Wed May 31 19:48:15 UTC 2023

Thank you for your support!

Do you literally flash the image and then run the refresh, nothing else?
Not activate any disk or install anything else?

Another option, use latest image then:

snap remove platform
snap install platform

Yes I just flash the image, activate, extend memory, public access and then update.
No disk activation and no app install.

That’s a good method. I could try this one next time.
Now I am already in the midst of setting up my backup etc.

Thank you for your help!

ok this is a bit different from my test, let me test that.