Certificate expiration

i am getting notified by let’s encryp that my cert is expiring (in 9 days). both ports 80 and 443 are open (tested and confirmed). when i look at the cert chain i see this:
is there something i need/can to do to fix this? is there a way to force the renewal?


Can you check expiration date of your actual certificate?
Most likely email from Lets Encrypt is about previous set of domains, this happens every time we add a new app to the store. So just ignore if you browser shows a different time to expiration.

ah, that would make sense. my cert is valid to 7/24/2021.

but i still get this

but i assume it’s nothing to worry about? everything works great so no harm/no foul.

Is this IP in your browser? Certificates are for domain names.
Try with domain name.

yea, right after i posted the message i looked at it. sorry. hadn’t had my morning coffee yet. i’m all good…