Disaster with Nexcloud 3.4.0 Client


in the begining of december, Nexcloud update hus client to 3.4.0… but many peopel who update that, get destroyed local time stamp of many of thier files…

It was a disaster, ant they erased that version and taked out a new version 3.4.1, taht yoy can find now…

But many people like me, has HUNDRED of files with no date (or 0:00 1/1/1970), an now thos files can not be sincronized…

NEXCLOUD has put a solution here:

but I am not able to start that solution because I do not know the arguments to put in this order:

  1. Call it with the following arguments: ./solvable_files.sh <path to storage folder without trailing /> <database host> <database user> <database password> <database name> <user of the webserver> <list|fix>

for Syncloud / Nextcloud case

Some help?

unfortunately this script is for MySQL database but syncloud uses Postgres database, so it needs some fixing.
Is there no other workaround, like re-upload the files again?

When I installed the 3.4.0 client at the beginning of December with this bug, the time signature of all my files has been destroyed … and then it has synchronized the files without a valid date with those of my computer … with which it also destroyed them …

Luckily, I had a recent backup copy, which was not complete but covered 70-80% of these files …

So I uninstalled the 3.4.0 client and got the backup back, but it only served me for that 80% of files … and I still have 1-2tb of small files with no valid date …

This time, in Nexcloud they have excelled ;-(

I asked them directly…

I will cross the fingers somebody hels me with my 300 Gb of files that now are broken…